New rental forms with barcode scanning support

13 June 2015

Still working on the new reservation forms and now including 2D bar-codes!

Looking at to speed up the check-in process we have included support for the PDF417 2D bar-codes with the new beta release of the new reservation forms. Now, you can scan the reservation form and have all the reservation information open in less than a second, no need to search or scroll on reservation lists.

We are working hard on testing now and we expect to make this new feature general available by the end of June 2015.

What do I need to get started?
Getting started with the new rental form is easy. Just tell us you want to upgrade and get a bar-code scanner.
We performed all the testing with a motorola DS9208 2D scanner, but any modern scanner can read PDF417 codes.

New reservation form

Motorola DS9208

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